Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Os dejo unos artículos on-line que escribí alguna vez con Evelyn, mi compañera de memoria en la universidad.

Algunos son de los dos y otros de ella...

Sobre incesto Paterno-Filial y su relación con la película de Pedro Almodóvar "Volver"

En catalán, disponible en:


En catalán, disponible en:



HOla, he retomado el Blog, ahora escribiré en español, sólo porque me aburrió el inglés y su función inicial, es decir, ser utilizado para aprobar los 4 cursos de inglés de mi universidad, ya fue realizada.

Hoy un muy buen amigo mío me ha enseñado a colocarle publicidad a este asuntito y vaya que es divertido xD

Los animo para que hagan lo mismo ustedes. Estamos al habla/lectura...


Gracias hermano, sos un Crá Gonzalo :P

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A film... Mmmm, eeeh, “Back” by Pedro Almodóvar (Volver, 2006)

I am not good to go to cinema, really I usually don't see films, but in this time I'm going to tell about "Back" (Volver), whose director and producer was Pedro Almodovar. He shot this film 2 year ago, in 2006.

The lead role is played by Penépelone Cruz as Raimunda, Carmen Maura as Irena and Yohana Cobo as Paula. This film is based on the incest thematic, as Raimunda's father abused her when she was child and her mother didn't know that until many years later. For this reason, Raimunda and Irene are alienated.

For to understand the film, it's necessary to explain the concept of incest, which is a type of child abuse and in the case of "Back" (Volver), focuses on a context known as filial - paternal incest, in which the father abuses his daughter (or a stepfather of his stepdaughter) and installs a sexual genital relationship with her that persists over time and is characterized by remaining silent.

Given the above, Raimunda still suffers from his past, which pursues her and makes to feel said and mistrustful of men.

A lot of stories happened between Raimunda, Irene and Paula that I don't tell you now because the film lost all interest, but I can reccomend it. Just I can say I didn't want my money back.

See you,


One of my classmates' blogspot.

To day, I woke up after to watch "Teletón" (I slept at 6:00 a.m. xD) and I saw the fourth assignment, really I couldn't do before because I've have sick (tendonache? "tendinitis") and I can't write in the computers.

Well, I saw the assignment and I thought "Who?", as I almost don't have contact on my blog. For this reason, I went at theacher's Blog, and I searched a classmates and I found to "Paulina Jofré"

I liked her blog because it's very orderly, clear and precise for shows the information. Moreover, she has worried in adorned it and placed photos.

But, I didn't like two things. The first of them, is the colour of the handwriting because the pink is a bit uncomfortable for to read, moreover the first post is written in purple... violet, maybe (Wednesday, October 15, 2008) and I couldn't read it without having underline with the mouse.

The second dislike is the colour of the bottom of the blog, because it's in the same hue and, sometimes, I had the same problem for to read.

I don't want you think that I said this because she is a girl, I don't see nothing wrong with that. My criticism is aimed at the aesthetics of the blog and the easy to read it.

Well, I don't have anymore to say. See you another day,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Work of art...


First, I apologize because I couldn’t do the last homework, but one of this days I’ll do it.
Well, today I want to tell you about a work of art; sincerely I don’t go to museum or art gallery because I prefer paint or sculpting in my home, well I don’t sculpting on cooper or silver, but rather I work on wood and ceramic or loam.

Approximately two or three years ago, I went to Art Gallery named “Gasco”, yes it’s part of the gas company, and I saw a work of art, it was a picture, named “Pizarrón” (chalkboard) and the author is: Natalia Babarovic, she painted it in 2005 and it’s a work of art that is characterized as an oil on wood panel and her measure is 108 x 121 cm.
I like very much this work of art because make me thing about the style life of the teacher. It's very beautiful..
See you,

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I hope that you’re good. Today I want to tell you about an article, which it was published in a magazine named “The guardian” on Saturday September 27, 2008, a kind of British newspaper, in the section Life & style, series Experience, and it was wrote by Melissa Murphy, whose title is “I was a prisoner in my own home”.
Well I continue in my home. See you,


I left the link for if you want to read it while.

The article related the history of a woman, which for six months can’t go out of her house because she felt very scared and anxious if she left her house.

She was an ordinary person, like any of us with a job, a hectic social life, friends and holidays, but one day something happened, she had a panic attack. Her first attack was in a restaurant, in the hour lunch and the place was crowded, that occurred when she had 20 years old. The people in the restaurant called an ambulance and while onlookers were watching her, a paramedic said that it’d been an attack panic. Since that day, she began to eat sandwiches at her desk.

She remember that her second attack was in a supermarket, she doesn’t give more details about it, she just tells that her world started to make small, very small, until convert in a space so reduce as her mother’s house.

She thought in her home as a sanctuary because within these walls, she could be herself. And now, before seven years ago, to take medicines and to see she could go out her home and she can go wherever she wants. For this reason, she has even written a book on how to overcome agoraphobia, in the hope that other people can find a way out of their own prisons.

Well, that's all.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

I came back of Fiestas Patrias...

Well, I returned then of Fiestas Patrias and though you don’t believe me without hangover because I had to work on Saturday and Sunday.

To day I want to tell you about something that I like, I still don’t know what about, but I’ll think something.

Some days ago, I was thinking and I discovered that I like to visit a Web Site whose name is Facebook, hahahaha a lot of people do, too. I knew this Web Site by my friends, most of them speak all day about it, for example Tammy told me a day that I don’t remember “That is incredible, you can speak with your friends by a chat, also you can do funny tests about anything, since What animal were you in your past life? Until What is your personage in “El Señor de la Querencia”? A soap of TVN a TV channel of Chile. I like FB (this is his shorthand) because it allows me to know of my old friends, for example Alvaro who was my classmate in the school and I don’t see him since 8º.

Well, I’ve to go because I’m late. Though if you want to know the Web Site that I told you and that I often visit (really everyday), you can click here but before you have to be registered for you can see my profile and can do the test. See you another day,

Bye, Bye =)
Please, click here: