The last year, I discoursed about Social Psychology. In this moment, I told my classmates what is it? And now, I tell to you:
Instead, the sociologists work focused on the behaviour of the group, and thus examines such phenomena as interactions and exchanges at the micro-level, group dynamics and group development, and crowds at the macro-level.
So, Psychology and Sociology aren’t the same because psychologists are interested in the immediate social situation, and the interaction between person and situation variables. On they other way, the sociologists are interested in the individual and the context of larger social structures and processes, such as social roles, race and class, and socialization.
What can I do if I’m a Social Psychologist?
When you’re a Social psychologist you can work in different places, for example you can do researches about social memory, study other countries, and a lot of diverse activities.
Well, by to respond your question, I’ve thought about three websites connected to this particular topic, they’re influential journals:
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Also, you can found information about Society of Experimental Social Psychology and different journals if you click here:
See you,
Bye =)